Writing messages to the joblog with QMHSNDPM

I have previously mentioned using Qp0zLprintf (Print Formatted Job Log Data) to write messages to the joblog. Here’s an alternative approach using QMHSNDPM (Send Program Message). In this case, I am executing an SQL statement and checking the SQL state afterwards. If the state is not 00000 (completed normally), I use the LogError procedure to write the SQL code to the job log.

Obviously, it would be better to put the LogError procedure into a service program both for reusability and so that the QMHSNDPM prototype definition can be tucked out of the way.

This is the program:

        // Simple program to demonstrate sending SQL error states to the joblog
        // Written by Paul Pritchard

        ctl-opt main(Main) dftactgrp(*no) actgrp(*new);

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // External Procedures
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        dcl-pr WriteJoblog extpgm('QMHSNDPM');
            MessageID char(7) const;
            MessageFile char(20) const;
            Message char(32767) const options(*varsize);
            MessageLength int(10) const;
            MessageType char(10) const;
            MessageStack char(10) const;
            MessageStackC int(10) const;
            MessageKey char(4);
            MessageError char(32767) options(*varsize);

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Program main procedure
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        dcl-proc Main;
            dcl-pi *n end-pi;

            exec sql
                update employees
                set empvalid = 0
                where int(empnumber) < 0;

            if SQLSTATE <> '00000';



        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Simple SQL Error Logging
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        dcl-proc LogError;

            dcl-pi LogError;
                ErrorCode char(5) const;

            // The API message fields
            dcl-s MessageID char(7) inz('CPF9897');
            dcl-s MessageFile char(20) inz('QCPFMSG   *LIBL');
            dcl-s Message varchar(32767) inz;
            dcl-s MessageLength int(10) inz;
            dcl-s MessageType char(10) inz('*DIAG');
            dcl-s MessageStack varchar(32767) inz('*');
            dcl-s MessageStackC int(10) inz;
            dcl-s MessageKey char(4) inz;

            dcl-ds MessageError qualified;
                Input int(10) inz;
                Output int(10) inz;

            Message = 'SQL Error encountered: ' + ErrorCode;
            MessageLength = %len(%trim(Message));
            WriteJoblog(MessageID: MessageFile: Message:
                        MessageLength: MessageType:
                        MessageStack: MessageStackC: MessageKey: MessageError);


        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

And this is what it looks like in the joblog:

CPF9897    Diagnostic             40   17-11-12  18:31:37.319725  LSE001R
                                    From module . . . . . . . . :   SQLJOBLOG
                                    From procedure  . . . . . . :   LOGERROR
                                    Statement . . . . . . . . . :   137
                                    To module . . . . . . . . . :   SQLJOBLOG
                                    To procedure  . . . . . . . :   LOGERROR
                                    Statement . . . . . . . . . :   137
                                    Message . . . . :   SQL Error encountered: 22023
                                    Cause . . . . . :   No additional online help information is available.

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